Fireside 1: Gail Whalen on Baha'i Principles
Gail Whalen of Henderson, Nevada discusses Bahá'í principles, joined by Linda Long and Robert Riley.
Fireside 2: Ernie Acavedo and Mike Whalen
Ernie Acavedo, Mike Whalen and Ron Frazer discuss Ernie's process of becoming a Bahá'í from a Catholic and then born-again Christian background.
Fireside 3: Michael Mathein and Timothy Alford
Michael Mathein, Timothy Alford and Ron Frazer discuss the concept of a personal God as they understood it as Christians and how that concept evolved after they became Bahá'ís.
Fireside 4: Alan Halm and Joel Smith
Alan Halm, Joel Smith and Ron Frazer discuss the evolution that each of the world great religions goes through from their inception to the present day--and how they can find unity among themselves.
The Life of Bahá'u'lláh Part 1 Part 2
Sandy and Ron Frazer tell a few stories from the life of Bahá'u'lláh, the Messenger of God for today.
Announcing Christ's Return
The 1868 letter to the Christians that announced Christ's Return. Why haven't you heard?
Proofs of The Return
Ron Frazer discusses the proofs that Bahá'u'lláh is the Return of Christ using the Book of Certitude.
Becoming a Baha'i
Sandy and Ron Frazer discuss the simple process of becoming a Bahá'í and their own journey.
9 Reasons to Become a Baha'i
There's really more than that! Nine filled up a podcast nicely.
Why People Don't Become Baha'is
Ron Frazer discusses the obstacles people face when investigating the Bahá'í Faith.
Christians who become Baha'is - or not
Ron Frazer examines the beliefs of Christians who become Bahá'ís and those who don't.
What we've lost and found
Five of the Emerald Coast Bahá'ís talk about what Christians give up when they become Bahá'ís. This is a very frank discussion, so it should be emphasized that this is just ordinary Bahá'ís talking--not the official position of the Bahá'í Faith. The big question, of course, is "Do I give up my relationship with Jesus?" The short answer is "No," The long answer is more interesting.
Why We're Bahá'ís - the soundtrack
This is the soundtrack for the film, Why We're Bahá'ís that was produced for a local cable TV system. We've included children, teens and adults for a wide variety of answers. If you'd like to see the film, and can handle a 200MB download, it's here.
Why I'm Excited About The Bahá'í Faith (Part 1 of 2)
Two long-time pioneers to Grenada and two Emerald Coast (Florida Panhandle) Bahá'ís talk about what keeps them excited about being a Bahá'í. There are 5 songs from the CD, We Have Come to Praise Him! by the First Commandment Gospel Singers. The music is used by permission from
Why I'm Still Excited About The Bahá'í Faith (Part 2 of 2)
Four Emerald Coast Bahá'ís talk about what keeps them excited about being a Bahá'í. There are 5 songs from the CD, We Have Come to Praise Him! by the First Commandment Gospel Singers. The music is used by permission from
Bahá'í Marriage: Susanne Alexander and Craig Farnsworth
Susanne Alexander and Craig Farnsworth are the principals of a Bahá'í SED project called the Marriage Transformation Project (see They are the authors of Pure Gold, a book for married couples, and Can We Dance, a book for people who are looking for a marriage partner or investigating the character of a prospective partner. They hold workshops around the world, training couples to use this simple and effective system.
The Power of Prayer Part 1 Part 2
Jack McCants, a former Christian minister, discusses the power of prayer.
Life After Death
Ron Frazer discusses the extensive Bahá'í Writings on this topic. It's good news, by the way!
Health and Healing - Some Baha'i Writings
Sandy and Ron Frazer discuss a few of the Bahá'í Writings on health divided into physical healing and spiritual healing.
Can Science and Religion Agree?
Sandy and Ron Frazer discuss creationism, evolution, and quantum physics from the Bahá'í Writings.
The Attitude of Prayer
Sandy and Ron Frazer discuss the Bahá'í Writings about developing an attitude of prayer
Sin and Evil - Is it real?
Sandy and Ron Frazer discuss sin and evil. Are they real or just the absence of something divine. In what way does the Devil exist?